Why GoAcademy! International House Dusseldorf is the best German language School to study German in Dusseldorf
IH Dusseldorf is situated in the centre of Düsseldorf.
Since 1990, GoAcademy! has been one of the best German schools in Dusseldorf and is a recognised test and assessment centre for German international certifications.
Learning that is enjoyable is an integral component of the school’s philosophy.
Lessons are made vibrant and conversational by experienced and certified teachers.
You will learn to communicate as if you were a native German speaker.
We provide German education for individuals, groups, and test preparation programmes.
TÜV Rheinland has certified GoAcademy! for customer orientation and service quality following the DIN ISO 9001:2015 standard and has recognised GoAcademy! as a further education provider for educational leave under the AZAV standard.
GoAcademy! is a testing and assessment centre for globally recognised language tests.
GoAcademy! is a cooperation partner of many hospitals and nursing chambers and also provides unique preparatory courses and tests for international doctors and nurses.
The most popular activities that German language school in Dusseldorf GoAcademy! IH Dusseldorf organises in the afternoons and evenings
Beer tasting.
Food Tasting.
Playing mini golf.
Playing soccer/frisbee on the Rhein and drinking a few beers.
Pub Crawl.
Sunbathing at the beach.
Watching soccer matches.
The most popular excursions and trips that German language school in Dusseldorf GoAcademy! IH Dusseldorf organises at the weekends
General German Course 20+5 lessonsExcellent general German course standard 20 lessons per week + 5 online autonomous tutored lessons in Dusseldorf, Germany {1606}
Adults 16+General German
≈ 0
General German Course 30+5 lessonsThe most popular general German course intensive 30 lessons per week + 5 online autonomous tutored lessons in Dusseldorf, Germany {1607}
Preparation Course Fachsprachprüfung FSP 20LMedical German course so that doctors can express themselves correctly and understand German in a medical environment in Düsseldorf {1610}
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