Why Foyle International is the best language school to learn English in Derry Londonderry
Foyle International was founded in 1990 by director Paul Murray and has helped thousands of students improve their English skills, teacher development and work placement programmes.
The administrative staff in the school is friendly, and the teachers are enthusiastic about teaching English.
Foyle International is the longest-established language school in Northern Ireland and the first to receive the prestigious British Council Accreditation marque. We pride ourselves on providing quality courses and excellent, friendly service.
The school is located within the city walls in the centre of Derry, close to shopping centres, restaurants, supermarkets, and public transport systems, which allow students to explore other parts of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
The most popular excursions and trips that the English language school in Derry Londonderry organises
General English Course 15 lessonsExcellent general English course standard 15 lessons per week in Derry Londonderry, Northern Ireland {288}
Adults 16+General English
General English Course 20 lessonsPopular general English course intensive 20 lessons per week in Derry Londonderry, Northern Ireland {289}
Adults 16+General English
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