The best option for full immersion is staying with a native English host family in Broadstairs, United Kingdom.
Living with a host family in Broadstairs will allow you to experience the culture of England.
All our families in Broadstairs are carefully selected to ensure you have a pleasant stay.
Families in Broadstairs are vetted, and homes must be acceptable to ensure high standards.
We choose families in Broadstairs based on their suitability as hosts, enjoyment of having international students in their homes, and willingness to share their time and experiences with students.
The host family may be a single woman, a single-parent family, a young family, a working couple, or a retired couple.
The bedroom is single with a shared bathroom.
Homestay accommodation includes half board (breakfast and dinner) from Monday to Friday and full board (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) on Saturday and Sunday.
The kitchen facilities are unavailable for the students to cook.
Laundry is carried out in the home once a week.
Special requests regarding allergies, family location, and diet (vegetarian, vegan, celiac, halal, etc.) may have an additional supplement but are catered for.
You can book the same number of weeks of accommodation as of the course or less, but never more.
Your host family details will be sent to you two weeks before arrival.
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