Accommodation | Homestay accommodation in Wexford |
City | Wexford |
Country | Ireland |
School | The Slaney Language Centre |
Minutes school by foot | 20 |
Weeks minimum | 1 |
Weeks maximum | 50 |
Check in day name | Saturday/Sunday |
Check out day name | Saturday/Sunday |
Holidays (school) | 28/Jul - 15/Aug, 22/Dic - 09/Jan |
Holidays (country) | 01/Jan, 03/Feb, 17/Mar, 21/Apr, 05/May, 02/Jun, 04/Aug, 27/Oct, 25/Dic, 26/Dic |
EUR | ||
Single room shared bathroom (per week) | 170€ | ≈ 0 |
Single room shared bathroom and fullboard (per week) | 250€ | ≈ 0 |
Single room ensuite bathroom and fullboard (per week) | 300€ | ≈ 0 |
Double/twin room shared bathroom and halfboard (per week) | 220€ | ≈ 0 |
Double/twin room ensuite bathroom and halfboard (per week) | 270€ | ≈ 0 |
High season period homestay | 01/Jul/2023 → 31/Jul/2021 |
EUR | ||
Single room shared bathroom and fullboard (per week) | 260€ | ≈ 0 |
Single room ensuite bathroom and fullboard (per week) | 310€ | ≈ 0 |
Double/twin room shared bathroom and halfboard (per week) | 230€ | ≈ 0 |
Double/twin room ensuite bathroom and halfboard (per week) | 280€ | ≈ 0 |
EUR | ||
Special diets supplement (per week) | 40€ | ≈ 0 |
EUR | ||
Transfer from Dublin (DUB) (160km, 2h) | 275€ | ≈ 0 |