Erasmus+ Teacher Refresher Course CLIL


Erasmus+ General English course plus CLIL Methodology for Primary and Secondary Teachers in Galway, Ireland


Course Description of General English Course plus CLIL Methodology for Primary and Secondary Teachers

Our Erasmus + program has been designed for non-native teachers (primary and secondary level) who teach subjects in English or plan to teach in English.

This course has been designed to improve the participants' skills to make a more exceptional contribution to their home school, both inside and outside the classroom.

The program provides participants with the knowledge and skills they can share in the staff room.

This CLIL course is for educators who teach curricular subjects in English, The Content and Language Integrated Learning course offers practical methods to support pupils and adapt to the changing demands of the CLIL environment.

Course Objectives for Primary and Secondary Teachers

  • Equip students with the confidence and skills necessary to offer a wide range of CLIL-based activities inside and outside the classroom.
  • Explore various tasks and practical activities that can be used immediately in the classroom.
  • Explore integrated content and language learning (CLIL) principles and improve participants' English language skills.
  • Focus on the development of materials, evaluation, and micro-teaching.
  • Understand how to combine language and subject instruction within a practical lesson framework.

Pedagogical results at the end of the program, Primary and Secondary Teachers will be able to

  • Deliver CLIL lessons in their subjects.
  • Give instructions for activities in the classroom and playground.
  • Improve your pronunciation in English, vocabulary, and grammar skills.
  • Obtain and adapt the material to adjust it to your CLIL curricula.
  • Provide interesting tips to motivate students.
  • Understand the grammar and vocabulary in the English class material.


CourseErasmus+ Teacher Refresher Course CLIL
SchoolGCI Galway Cultural Institute


ProfilesAdults 18+Erasmus+Teacher Training
Required levelB2
Lessons week30
Lesson minutes45
Age minimum18
Students class maximun14
Students class average11
Schedule Monday08:30 → 10:00 + 10:30 → 12:00 + 13:00 → 14:30
Schedule Tuesday08:30 → 10:00 + 10:30 → 12:00 + 13:00 → 14:30
Schedule Wednesday08:30 → 10:00 + 10:30 → 12:00 + 13:00 → 14:30
Schedule Thursday08:30 → 10:00 + 10:30 → 12:00 + 13:00 → 14:30
Schedule Friday08:30 → 10:00 + 10:30 → 12:00 + 13:00 → 14:30
Year 2024
Holidays (school)23/Dic → 03/Jan
Holidays (country)01/Jan, 05/Feb, 17/Mar, 18/Mar, 01/Apr, 06/May, 03/Jun, 05/Aug, 28/Oct, 25/Dic, 26/Dic


Year 2024
Dates: 08/Apr → 12/Apr · Weeks: 1 (per week)400 ≈ 0
Dates: 15/Jul → 19/Jul · Weeks: 1 (per week)400 ≈ 0